Now is a perfect time to join VSCN, following the official launch of our new website, which provides members and those interested in safety promotion and injury prevention with an incredibly powerful resource.
The Victorian Safe Communities Network is all about fostering a vibrant community of professionals who can learn, connect and share ideas and resources and our new website is the perfect tool to achieve those goals.
The website not only keeps visitors in the loop about what is happening in the safety promotion and injury prevention sector, but provides members with the ability to create their own special interest groups, for example on falls prevention or road safety, and utilise forums to share their knowledge and learn and connect with others working in the same field.
The Resource Hub details campaigns that have been run by organisations in Victoria and further afield, providing opportunities to glean ideas and share resources. The hub will also provide member access to videos of trainings held by VSCN, such as the recent workshop on how to create impactful social media campaigns, specifically for safety promotion and injury prevention.
Watch the video below to see how worthwhile it will be to become a member of the Victorian Safe Communities Network, and why you owe it to yourself to join now.