RACV Nino’s Child Restraint Challenge

Need for the campaign
The correct use of car restraints has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of injury to children in the event of a collision, yet research consistently shows 70 per cent of car restraints are incorrectly fitted. This may be due to incorrect fitting initially, or errors that have occurred over time, such as twisted straps.

To increase the proportion of car seats that are correctly fitted and maintained and reinforce the need for parents to regularly check on the status of their child’s car restraints.

Campaign approach
To make the message more appealing and accessible, RACV created a video series entitled Nino’s Child Restraint Challenge, which saw its Training and Development Coordinator, Nino Cipriani, judge the efforts of parents in ensuring their child’s restraints were correctly fitted. He was also able to point out common mistakes made by parents.

With recently arrived migrant groups known to be particularly at risk of incorrect use of restraints, the video series has recently been translated into five community languages to be distributed to CALD groups and organisations working with those communities.


Feedback from groups distributing the video, such as the Early Learning Association Australia has been positive.

The videos in English and other languages have been watched more than 8,100 times and 250 copies of the DVD have been distributed.


Brochure  – using restraints getting it right every trip
List of RACV approved car restraint fitters


Additional videos:

Melinda Spiteri, Manager, Road User Behaviour Melinda_Spiteri@racv.com.au