National Ageing Research Institute Inc
http://www.mednwh.unimelb.edu.auInformation on this site includes – research on falls, research information on health promotion, research information on health services, education to assist health professionals, publications and information on United Nations International Year of Older Persons 1999.

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
http://www.cdc.gov/injury/index.htmlInformation on injury care, violence, unintentional injury and resources.
Unintentional Injury Fact Sheets – www.cdc.gov.au/injury/index.html
Adolescent injury, bicycle-related head injuries, child passenger safety, childhood injury, drowning injury prevention, falls and hip fractures in the elderly, cost of fall injuries among older adults, fire related injury and death, fireworks injury prevention, impaired driving, motor vehicle deaths in older Americans, pedestrian deaths and injuries, playground injuries and teenage motor vehicle deaths.
Violence prevention priority areas include – youth violence, family and intimate violence, suicide and firearm injuries. Project activities focus on primary prevention through a public health approach that complements the approaches used by criminal justice, education, and many other disciplines that work in this area – www.cdc.gov/ncipc/dvp/dvp.htm.

National Crime Prevention – Towards A Safer Australia
http://www.ncp.gov.auCommonwealth Government initiative, aims to prevent violence and crime and reduce fear of violence and crime. Involves research projects, pilot projects, local prevention activities and training. Includes information on: conferences, seminars, workshops, publications and links to related sites.
Includes a 20 page summary of Pathways to Prevention: Developmental and Early Intervention Approaches to Crime in Australia.

National Injury Surveillance Unit
http://www.nisu.flinders.edu.auLocated at Flinders University of South Australia. A collaborating unit of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Includes information on: datasets, research, injury surveillance and analysis, publications and reports, Directory of Australian Injury Personnel and the Australian Injury Prevention Network.

National Rural Health Alliance
http://www.ruralhealth.org.auThe peak national body working to improve the health of Australians living in rural and remote areas. Includes publications and a fortnightly email-forum.

Neighbourhood Watch
www.neighbourhoodwatch.com.auInternational and local sites. Includes information on prevention and improvement activities from around the world.

Neighbourhood Watch
http://www.neighbourhoodwatch.com.auThe Neighbourhood Watch Web Site has a series of interactive crime prevention and safety programs which allows you to do a self audit of your safety and security.

Noarlunga Healthy Cities
http://www.softcon.com.au/nhcAn intersectorial community based injury prevention program which is being undertaken in the City of Onkaparinga in South Australia

NSW Health Department
http://www.health.nsw.gov.auInformation on a wide range of health issues including falls prevention and falls prevention home safety checklist on line.