Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland
http://www.carrsq.qut.edu.auCARRS-Q is a newly established centre for accident research and injury prevention. The site contains information on current research projects, seminars, publications and links to other related sites.

Community Safety Month
Information about Community Safety Month. Provides an opportunity for local communities to link together and coordinate activities to create safe, secure and injury free environments.

Consumer Affairs
http://www.consumer.vic.gov.auWebsite contains product safety information and links to Consumer Affairs-Fair Trading Agencies. Includes the publication ‘Keeping Baby Safe’ – A Guide to Nursery Furniture that is available in 6 other languages.

Country Fire Authority
http;//www.cfa.vic.gov.auThe CFA provides a broad range of community education materials around fire safety.
Community safety information includes:
Schools – fire facts for kids, teachers resources, SafetyNet, CFS – Primary and schools information.
Home safety – common causes of fire, children don’t know the risks, surviving a fire, fire survival rules, smoke alarms, installation of smoke alarms, and beware: deadlocks are deadly.
Farm safety – plan to save you business, protecting your assets, machinery and the law, machinery fire risks and assessing your risks.
Bushfire safety – recognise the risks, leave or stay, common misconceptions, the experience of a major fire, radian heat – the killer in a bushfire, Can I or Can’t I, fire restrictions and Total Fire Bans, and Community Fireguard.