Do you have multilingual health info to share?

Health translations

The Health Translations Directory is calling on agencies to register their multilingual resources.

The directory is an online portal for health professionals and the wider community to access multilingual health resources. It aims to support the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse communities by providing the high-quality translated health information needed to make informed health and lifestyle choices.

The directory currently links to more than 10,000 resources in 90 languages and attracts more than 30,000 unique visitors per year.

Becoming a content partner attracts a number of benefits:

  1. Increase your organisation’s profile – the directory’s website is visited by more than 2,500 users per month.
  2. Increase the availability of your resource – by uploading your resource to the directory you are ensuring that it is being found by the intended target audience.
  3. Generate more traffic to your website – your resource will benefit from cross promotion through the Better Health Channel website and relevant newsletter. As the directory only links to the resources, when users click on your resource they will land on your website page increasing the number of visits on your website.
  4. Receive additional advice and support on request – If you need assistance and advice with the production of multilingual resources, the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health will be happy to share their expertise.

 If you have health-related resources in written or audio-visual format that has been translated into other languages and:

  • has been published in Australia
  • covers one of the health-related topics listed in the collection policy
  • has been translated into languages other than English by a NAATI accredited translator and/or the translated version has been focused-tested with consumers
  • has a corresponding English version
  • has been published or reviewed within the past three years
  • has content that supports improved health outcomes and health literacy of individuals or communities
  • has content that takes into consideration cultural sensitivity and linguistic diversity of consumers
  • does not promote individual commercial products, therapies and services
  • does not include clinical information that has the potential to adversely affect the health of an individual.

Contact Sara Brocchi on to discuss listing it on the directory.