International Safety Media Awards 2020 – Interview Marcia Howell

As part of our International Safety Media Awards (ISMA) 2020 WORLD’S BEST SAFETY MEDIA CAMPAIGNS interview series, we’re excited to release our first interview – a conversation with Marcia Howell from the Center for Safe Alaskans! Marcia was the founder of the International Safety Media Awards back in 2006. Hear from Marcia how safety media … Continued

International Safety Media Awards 2020 Interview – Simon Pase

The rise of widely accessible and cheap production tools is a game-changer for safety media campaigns.As part of our WORLD’S BEST SAFETY MEDIA CAMPAIGNS interview series, check out our discussion with Simon Pase Simon Pase is the Creative Services Manager at The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, and is one of our esteemed judges for the International Safety … Continued

Trampoline safety

Rise in serious trampoline injuries in children worries trauma specialists. Dr Teague said the anecdotal evidence suggested many children were being injured when multiple were jumping on a trampoline at the same time. “If you have multiple users on the trampoline, I would liken it to cage fighting,” he said.

Ladder safety matters – Nick’s Story

Stop and think before you use a ladder. • choose the right ladder for the job • don’t work in wet or windy conditions • take time to set up your ladder • work safely up the ladder • have another person hold the ladder
• know your limits and work to your ability.

Home fire safety webinar

5 international speakers present their research finding about home fire safety. Watch the video to hear about their research, and our local emerging issues.

Intelligent transport systems coming to Melbourne

Check out this YouTube video of ITA Australia’s 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, which is to be held in Melbourne from 10 – 14 October 2016.

Australia is at the forefront of development and deployment of ITS technologies in many fields. Our population is clustered in big cities with large urban areas where ITS technology such as managed motorways and free flow tolling are being leveraged to maintain the mobility of our growing cities.

Long transport distances across our vast country encourage innovation and adoption of technology across our heavy vehicle fleet to enhance safety and efficiency. Australia has a strong and innovative mining sector that has embraced ITS technology such as driverless trains and driverless vehicles to improve efficiency and safety in tough economic conditions.