2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference (ARSC2018)

ARSC2018 will bring with it a special focus on engaging all levels of government and community, from the city to the bush, to move Towards Zero. The comprehensive 3-day scientific program will showcase the latest: Research; Education; Policing programs; Policies and management strategies; Technological developments in the field; National and international keynote speakers; Oral and poster presentations; Expansive stakeholder exhibition; and Workshops and interactive symposia.

Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week 8-14 May 2017 – Speed up the solutions

The UN Road Safety Collaboration is pleased to announce that the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week will be held from 8-14 May 2017. The Week will focus on speed and what can be done to address this key risk factor for road traffic deaths and injuries. Speed contributes to around one-third of all fatal road traffic crashes in high-income countries, and up to half in low- and middle-income countries.

Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards 2017

Nominations are open to projects of all sizes, including smaller initiatives involving local community groups.
Anyone can nominate a project for the awards. It may be a project you are involved in, or a project that you believe deserves recognition. The awards are designed to reward benchmark projects, as well as projects which exhibit good practice in the prevention or reduction of violence and other types of crime in Australia.

Reminder: Abstracts closing tomorrow: 13th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference,

With a theme of “Take Action”, the Conference will be a multi-disciplinary event featuring representatives from all facets of injury prevention including research, teaching, practice and policy. Themes will be varied and cover topics such as child and family safety, road and transport safety, falls and ageing, water safety (including drowning), burns prevention, injury in a global perspective, rural and remote injury prevention, sports injury prevention and treatment, workplace safety, injury amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and more.