Injury Prevention Consultation Workshop 2017 – presentations
View the presentations from the Injury Prevention Consultation Workshop that was held on February 14th 2017.
View the presentations from the Injury Prevention Consultation Workshop that was held on February 14th 2017.
You are invited to an evening seminar: Injury Prevention Satellite Meeting ‘The role of coronial recommendations in injury prevention’.
10 – 11 July 2017, Hotel Grand Chancellor, Brisbane The 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference is a platform for government, academic and industry professionals to discuss public health, sustainability, natural resource management, transport, climate change, urban design, bio security and more. The conference will be held at Hotel Grand Chancellor in Brisbane on Monday 10th … Continued
Registration is now open for the 2017 Safe Kids Worldwide Childhood Injury Prevention Convention (PREVCON), to be held July 26-29, 2017 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront in Baltimore, Maryland. Our biennial convention offers an exciting opportunity to meet and network with hundreds of public health and safety practitioners in the field of childhood injury prevention … Continued
Register today to participate in the 2017 World Conference on Drowning Prevention in Vancouver, Canada. Don’t miss your chance to showcase your work to delegates of the 2017 World Conference on Drowning Prevention. Opportunities exist for oral and poster presentations in seven conference streams. Take advantage of early bird pricing unit June 16th only The … Continued
The Australian Injury Prevention Network (AIPN), Australian Collaboration for Research into Injury in Sport and its Prevention (ACRISP) and Federation University Australia, are pleased to invite you to the premier injury prevention conference for Australia and the Asia Pacific, the 13th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, to be held at The Mecure Hotel … Continued
The main theme for the 23rd International Safe Communities Conference, Safe Communities are an Essential Need for a Modern-Day Society, seeks to find new ideas and experiences to solve this actual problem and to make the world safer place. Injuries and violence are a major burden on public health worldwide. Experts in injury prevention and safety … Continued
Call for Abstracts FINAL CALL – closing in 2 days! Sunday 12th MARCH 2017 Australasian Road Safety Conference – Perth, Australia – Spring 2017
Developing a strategy for Communities That Care Ltd to assist child & adolescent injury prevention and safety promotion. 14th Feb 2017.
Developing a strategy for Communities That Care Ltd to assist child & adolescent injury prevention and safety promotion. 14th Feb 2017.