Workshop to empower women

As part of Community Safety Month, Manningham Council will tomorrow host a free interactive and informative workshop, aimed to empower women by increasing knowledge and confidence about feeling and being safe.

Symposium to tackle challenges of keeping children safe

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare is holding its 5th Annual Sector Research Symposium with the key themes:
•Child Safety: Beyond Inquiry – How can we keep children and young people safe?
•Educational Outcomes for Vulnerable Children – Our challenges and opportunities for the next decade
•Research, Evidence and Practice of Working with Vulnerable Families in Australia
•The Voice of Young People, Children, Parents & Carers in Research, Policy and Service Delivery

The challenge of behaviour change

Eat less processed food, exercise more, don’t smoke. The messages are clear and simple but achieving behaviour change is not.

How do you get your message out in a way that is engaging and appropriate to your target audience? These are the sort of issues that we will cover on Thursday, October 1 at the Smarter Ways to Promote Safety with Social Media workshop.

Save the Date

You won’t want to miss the a hands-on workshop and networking lunch the VSCN is hosting on Thursday, October 1 to celebrate Community Safety Month and relaunch a reinvigorated website and calendar of events.

Lock the date in your diary now and stay turned for event details next week.

We will be offering a discount on early bird registrations, with big savings for members so now is a great time to get your subscription up-to-date.